people are currently Intenders
people are currently Intenders

Overall Activity


This graph illustrates the change in popularity of all topics related to over time. The popularity is measured both in terms of the number of pages published (Publishing) and the total viewership (Consumption). Use the ‘Date Range’ option at the top of the page to toggle between different time periods.

Click on the topic tiles to compare consumption trends by different demographic groups
Click on the topic tiles to compare consumption trends by different demographic groups
Click on the topic tiles to compare consumption trends by different demographic groups

Topic Trends for over the last 90 days

Zeta’s proprietary tool, The Zeta Discussion Index (ZDI), leverages Zeta’s Data Cloud and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to surface consumer content consumption trends across 4.5M websites and all digital touchpoints – social, mobile, email, connected tv and more.

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Topic Trends for over the last 30 days

Zeta’s proprietary tool, The Zeta Discussion Index (ZDI), leverages Zeta’s Data Cloud and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to surface consumer content consumption trends across 4.5M websites and all digital touchpoints – social, mobile, email, connected tv and more.

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Topics with the highest viewership over the previous 30 days

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Topic Trends for over the last 7 days

Zeta’s proprietary tool, The Zeta Discussion Index (ZDI), leverages Zeta’s Data Cloud and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to surface consumer content consumption trends across 4.5M websites and all digital touchpoints – social, mobile, email, connected tv and more.

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Topics with the highest viewership over the previous 7 days

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